Editor / Publishing Director

Zehra Soylu Çöplü

Editorial Board

Reyhan Bilir
Ali Hakan İlban
Aygün Doğan
Salih Zeki İlban
Koray Özbaysal

Fotografya Yayın Kurulu
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ADANET Photo Editor

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Copyright and "Fair Use" Information

Our journal is not a commercial organization but an amateur publication. It publishes information and news information in order to introduce the photographers and photography works which made in the world.
Since it works with a collective understanding, the responsibility of the photographs and quotations which take place in the articles belongs to the author and photographer of the article.
The journal does not have responsilibity for the contents and violations in the journal.

Responsibility for photos and short films
It belongs to its writers / photographers / arts / film directors.

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